Sunday, January 21, 2018

Click here to support Help Me Get To Japan! organized by Miki Kuran

Click here to support Help Me Get To Japan! organized by Miki Kuran:


Hey everyone. Please read this.

I have wanted to go to Japan my entire life. Unfortunately, this has never been possible. I struggle with balancing my part time job and being a full time student in a challenging environment. My part time job barely covers the cost of living on a day-to-day basis. All my money is spent on meals or is saved up to pay my dorming cost, which ends up being around $10,000 a year. I will be in debt for a very long time. Neither of my parents went to college and don’t make enough money to support me. I have barely been able to afford necessary textbooks to pass some classes. Other classes I had to endure. Sometimes I skip meals to get the monthly housing in on time, or don’t buy necessary medications. The rest of my tuition is paid off from a scholarship I got, which I worked for all four years of high school. 

I learned about a program last year that will enable me to go to Japan through my school. This is a week long program in which I will attend ceremonies, be able to explore the local area, practice my Japanese, make connections, and even stay in a homestay. This program also enables me to receive 3 course credit for my school. This is a really big deal to me, and I would love to be able to partake in it. I’m currently studying to receive a Japanese minor. I’m very serious about this program; as much as it is a dream come true to me it is also a very valuable experience that will enable me to get experience in Japan that will aid me in the future.

The program alternates between being held in Japan and America every year. This past summer it was held in Japan, and I unfortunately could not go. My heart was shattered. In 2018, the program will be held in America. In 2019 however, it is back to Japan. This will be my last chance in a long time to visit Japan and gain experience.

Any amount of money you can donate is wonderful. I appreciate every little bit, even $1. I have one year to gather this money, as the application’s open in the beginning of 2019. Please help me out by reblogging this.

from chisami

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